Tag - inifinity in us
2 posts
Infinite Greatness Unveiled:  Exploring His Power, Wisdom, and Love, Part I

Infinite Greatness Unveiled: Exploring His Power, Wisdom, and Love, Part Ifeatured

This is Part I of this blog, where I delve into the awe-inspiring attributes of God that leave us speechless – His unparalleled power, wisdom, and boundless love. Through reflections on Biblical passages and real-life examples, I explore God’s omnipotence in universe, His infinite wisdom evident in the intricacies of creation, and His unconditional love exemplified in the sacrificial gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.

 Ten Amazing Realizations Of Being A Christian

 Ten Amazing Realizations Of Being A Christianfeatured

Hello, friends and neighbors of the Rio Grande Valley.  In this blog, I’d like to mention the top 10 reasons why we are so blessed by being children of God.   1.  The Infinite One who created the Universe lives in us.   We see in 2nd Corinthians 13:5, “Or do you not realize about yourselves that Jesus Read more
